

At Strathmore we provide a curriculum that sets high expectations for all pupils, with disadvantaged and SEND pupils being at the forefront of all that we do. Cultural capital is embedded throughout the curriculum as we recognise the importance of these lifelong skills. Our Pupil Premium Strategy and SEND Information Report clearly evidence opportunities for our most vulnerable children and enhance our curriculum offer. These are formed through evidence based research and curriculum impact.


Our school’s curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced, focussing on progression, prior learning and retrieval. Pupils apply what they know with increasing confidence and independence. Children’s emotional intelligence is at the heart of all we do. We promote SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) and British Values are reflected in our assemblies, PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Emotions) lessons and personal development activities.


Reading and vocabulary knowledge forms the basis of our curriculum. We believe that all children should have access to and learn to read, alongside daily opportunities to increase their vocabulary. We have created PowerPoints for every subject in our curriculum to demonstrate and share our learning intentions, implementation and impact within our curriculum. We hope these are useful in developing strong parent partnerships and improving pupil progress. 


Our curriculum plans can be found here for you to see coverage across the year. 

Nursery 30 hours offer available from September 2025!