
School Day

The information below applies to our normal school sessions.  At present we are operating a system of staggered drop-off and collection times to facilitate social distancing and keep our community as safe as we can.  Parents have been informed of their child's expected start/finish times - please speak with the class teacher if you have any queries.


We expect children to arrive on time for the start of the session.  Parents can bring children into school from 8.45am. If you require your child to be dropped off earlier than this, then please enquire about the school’s breakfast club, open from 7.45am each day. The total time a child is in school in a typical week is 32.5 hours a week. 




Morning Session


Afternoon Session



8.45am – 11.45am





9.00am – 11.45am


1.00pm – 3.15pm

Years 1 & 2


9.00am – 12.15am


1.15pm – 3.15pm


*In Reception the children may take a break for a snack & a drink when they need to, no fixed time is set.


Break time – children are expected to go outside during break times and lunch times, and so will need to bring appropriate clothing.  If it is raining they will remain in the classroom for supervised play – wet weather activities are kept for this and toys from home are not permitted.


Arrival and Collection

Children should be brought into school by an adult at the beginning of each day and supervised until the start of the session.  Drop off is between 8.45am and 9am. At the end of the day each child will only be allowed to leave with a parent or authorised adult – children will not be permitted to leave with anyone under the age of 18.  Prompt collection of children is essential so if you are unavoidably delayed, please telephone the school.
